Exercises Market Leader book page 71

11.11.2014 00:00

A.    Listen to a conversation between two people who have recently met. What is wrong? How can it be improved?

They don´t greets, they not uses gestures and cold talk, they don’t uses formal expressions.



B.   Work In pairs. In what business situations would you use these expressions?

Congratulations!                             I don't mind.      I‘m afraid                            After your.

Cheers!                                                               Excuse me.        Yes, please.                       That’s no problem.

Make yourself at home.              Sorry.                   Could you..?                      Bad luck.

Help yourself.                                   It's on me.          That sounds good.          Not at all.


Congratulations = praise or eulogium

Cheers = British people sometimes say cheers instead of 'thank you' or 'goodbye'.

Excuse me = to apologize for (oneself) for an act that could cause offense

Yes, please = formal mode to get something.

That’s no problem = response for a last minute petition

Make yourself at home= gives familiarity in a place

Sorry= an exclamation expressing apology

Could you..? Formal form to ask or require something.

Bad luck = an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes

Help yourself = offers assistance

It's on me= take present something

That sounds good. = a good proposal

Not at all = Impossible change of a decision

I don't mind = unimportant  

I‘m afraid = to excuse

After your = when enter to a site



C. What would you say in the following situations?

1. You don’t hear someone’s name when you are introduced to them.

Sorry, I didn’t hear your name.

2. You have to refuse an invitation to dinner with a supplier.

I’m sorry I have an appointment to this hour.

3. You are offered food you hate.

Sorry, that meal is not good for me.

4. You want to end a conversation in a diplomatic way.

I’m sorry, but I have to going to a meeting, was really nice talking with you

5. You have to greet a visitor.

Welcome, nice to meet you Mr. Rodriguez

6. You have to introduce two people to each other.

Carlos, can I Introduce you to Pedro? Pedro comes from Mexico, Pedro this is Carlos my boss.

7. You offer to pay for a meal.

Please let me get this

8. You have to propose a toast.

Here’s to new project success

9. Your colleague has been made redundant.
I’m sorry to hear about that.


10. You arrive half an hour late for a meeting.

 I’m sorry; traffic was a problem for me

D. Listen and compare your answers to Exercise C.

E. What can you say in the first five minutes of meeting someone?
Match the questions (1-10) to the answers (a - j). Listen and check your answers.

1 is this your first visit to the region?

2 Oh really! What do you do?

3 How long have you been there?

4 Have you been to Tokyo before?

5 Business or pleasure?

6 How long have you been here?

7 How long are you staying?

8 Where are you staying?

9 What's the food like?

10 So, what do you think of Tokyo?

8  a) At the Metropolitan Hotel.

3  b) Nearly five years now.

1  c) No, I come here quite a lot. But usually to Hong Kong.

2  d) I’m an Account Director for a marketing company.

5  e) Business, I'm afraid.
7  f) Until tomorrow evening.
4  g) No, this is my first trip.
6  h) Six days.
10   i) I really like it. There‘s so much to see and do.

9  j) It's very good, but eating at the Metropolitan can be quite expensive.


A.    What are the ‘safe’ topics of conversation for this sort of situation?
Which topics would you avoid?

Safe topics

About travel, weather, meals, business, city, hotel, transport, atractions.


Topics to avoid

Political ideas, Religion, personal or familiar information, wearing


G. In your opinion, which of these items of advice for a successful conversation are useful and which are not?.

1. Listen carefully. X                             5. Ask questions. X
2. Give only ‘yes' or ‘no' answers.         6. Stay silent,
3. Interrupt a lot.                                   7. Keep eye contact. X
4. be polite. X                                      8. be friendly.  X
