Exercise A, B, C and D. Market Leader book on page 24 -25,

13.10.2014 00:00

A. read the first two paragraphs quickly an decide if the statements are true or false, according to the article.


1. The fall of the Mercedes luxury brand was not as severe as other brands. False

2. In 2002, Mercedes’ losses were its first for three decades. False

3. In 2002, Mercedes cars were famous for their reliability. False

4. Dieter Zetsche is the boss of Mercedes and Daimler False


B. find words and phrases in the first five paragraphs of the article that mean the same as the following.


1. Sudden and surprising

2. A period of ten years - Decade

3. Failing

4. The first company to develop new methods of doing something

5. Someone that you compete with

6. Jealously

7. A complete change from a bad situation to a good one

8. The financial result of a company’s business (i.e. profit or loss)


C. without looking back at the article, try to match the words to form common word partnerships.


1. Luxury                                                       a) executive

2. Chief                                                          b) models

3. Parent                                                        c) effect

4. Fourth.                                                       d) Company

5. Management                                             e) brand

6. Fuel-efficient                                             f) style

7. Team                                                         g) approach

8. Dramatic                                                    h) quarter

D. According to the article, which of these factors helped Mercedes improve its performance?


6. Using Mr. Zetche’s operational experience

7. Cutting Jobs

11. Producing New Models

12. Using a team approach.

