Action Minutes

13.10.2014 00:00



Date: 11 de octubre de 2014.


Present: Camilo Domínguez, Diego Rocha , Eliana Jiménez



●     Background: Why are staffs resisting the changes?


Groups resist change due to differences in culture, lack of positive leadership and attitude from managers who ignores the situation where there is no leadership behavior and interest to improve, if not pretend that things are good, and it is not, it is noteworthy that resistance to change.

Provides stability and predictability in behavior. If there were some resistance, organizational behavior would have the characteristic of being randomly chaotic. resistance change may also be a source of functional conflict. For example, resistance to a plan of reorganization or a change in a product line can stimulate a healthy debate on the merits of the idea and result in a better decision. But there is a definite disadvantage in resistance to change. Hinders adaptation and progress.

In conclusion the group resists change communication the lack of disinterestedness on the part of leaders or managers and because no work methods to improve the work environment.

●     What mistakes is the new management making, if any?


There are definitely some errors by the new management, mainly the lack of attention to the problems of employees, not paying attention to internal communication, external or written, do not motivate employees, not promoting their own self-confidence, No empathize with their employees, lack of creativity and imagination, not to listen to other people


●     What practical action (s) can be taken to improve the situation?


1.     should plan a strategy to improve the work environment where every employee feels is important and heard,

2.     to develop a plan and then follow to ensure success.

3.     The leader must understand and apply the principle of cooperative effort and be able to induce their employees to do the same.

4.    Transmit tolerance, patience and good cheer for all tasks.

5.    Convey positive messages to employees

6.     Split Trust

7.     Working as one team more

8.     Motivate is important

9.     Having adequate working conditions for your employees


●     What can be learned from this experience? How can the company manage change more effectively in the future?


This experience must learn that you can’t choose to take the role that "nothing happens" and that things will be solved by themselves. There must be an adequate distribution of the workload in the entire team, there must be balance in work and cultural differences must prevail over human trait, this means that you must offer our employees an environment healthy workplace where they feel calm and happy, to determine work goals.

Given the above should develop good leaders for their work groups are highly effective and achieve all the goals set showing that they are actually performing work on effective team.
