Guideline 1 - portfolio

Concept Map About Branding

13.10.2014 00:00

Exercise A, B and C. of Market Leader book Page 16

13.10.2014 00:00
  A. Listen to Sholto Smith, Area Sales Director for Hyatt Hotels, talking about how the company meets the needs of business travellers. Listen to the first part and tick  which of the following he mentions   - Location of hotels -Technology -Good Links with underground...

Exercise A, B and C. of Market Leader book page 8

13.10.2014 00:00
  A. Chris Cleaver is Managing Director, Business Brands and Dragon Brands. Listen to the first part of the interview and tick the points that he makes.   1 helps people to become familiar with a product X 2 gives a product an identity. 3 increases the sales of a product of service. 4...

Exercise A, B and C , Market Leader book on page 19

13.10.2014 00:00
A. Jennifer North, Sales Director at Madison in New York, makes two telephone calls to Cristina Verdi, a fashion buyer in London. Listen and note.  a) The purpose of each call.  And.  b) The result.   The purpose of the first call is, appoint a meeting between Jennifer and...

Exercise A, B, C and D. Market Leader book on page 24 -25,

13.10.2014 00:00
A. read the first two paragraphs quickly an decide if the statements are true or false, according to the article.   1. The fall of the Mercedes luxury brand was not as severe as other brands. False 2. In 2002, Mercedes’ losses were its first for three decades. False 3. In 2002, Mercedes cars...

Exercises Vocabulary A, B and C. - Market Leader book on page 7

13.10.2014 00:00
  Activity 2  - Autonomous Work   simple present tense, present continuous tense, stative verbs, simple past and present perfect.  

Exercises A, B and C -Market Leader book on page 10

13.10.2014 00:00
1.     Language Review: About Present Simple and Present Continuous,  A. -Which of the time expressions we usually use with the present simple? Now, currently, often   -Which of the time expressions we usually use with the present continuos? at the moment ,Usually,...

Exercises A, B and C. - Market Leader book on page 15,

13.10.2014 00:00
3. British and American English   Match the words and phrases which have the same meaning. For each pair, decide which is British English and which is America English.   1 subway                              ...

Exercises A and B - Market Leader book on page 18

13.10.2014 00:00
1.    Language Review: about Talking about the future, and then do .    (If necessary check these links in order to understand better the use of these tenses: and   A. Complete each dialogue with the correct form of...

Exercises A and B - Market Leader book on page 26

13.10.2014 00:00
About Past Simple and Present Perfect,    A. -Which of the following expressions are used with the past simple and which are used with the present perfect? Which are used with both? The past simple: Yesterday, last year, six months ago, in 2010,   Present perfect: this week, yet,...