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24.11.2014 00:00
Ethical Business from Camilo D on Vimeo.

Face to Face Meeting

24.11.2014 00:00
Face to Face Meeting from Camilo D on Vimeo.

Ford motor company - CSR UK

22.11.2014 00:00
source   Corporate Social Responsibility Looking out for local communities and environmental issues You’re our customer but, in the global community, you’re also our neighbour. Being a good...

Ford Motor Company - Diversity and Inclusion & Employee Engagement

22.11.2014 00:00
3. Explain how the company has dealt with the cultural shock of its staff or company members (if any).   source   Diversity and Inclusion Henry Ford saw the wisdom of creating a diverse...

time line Ford Motor Company

22.11.2014 00:00

Ford Motor Company structure, Advertising, financial, competitors

22.11.2014 00:00
  Structure source:     source: In 2012 Ford motor Company introduces a global brand promise, which is summarized by the phrase “Go Further....

Exercises Market Leader book page 98

22.11.2014 00:00

Exercises Market Leader book on page 101

22.11.2014 00:00
A.    Listen to two directors talking about a top salesman, Torn Pattison, who is not doing his job properly. Then answer the questions. 1 In what ways is Tom behaving unprofessionally? Tom is claiming false expenses with customers, and he is a problem for team work 2 What two...

Exercises Market Leader book page 99

22.11.2014 00:00
  A.    David Hillyard, Director of Programmes at EarthWatch, is describing his organisation. Listen to the first part of the interview and complete the gaps. EarthWatch is an international research and and conservation and education organization, and we have over one hundred...

Exercises Market Leader book page 71

11.11.2014 00:00
A.    Listen to a conversation between two people who have recently met. What is wrong? How can it be improved? They don´t greets, they not uses gestures and cold talk, they don’t uses formal expressions.     B.   Work In pairs. In what business situations would...